Weekly Update: Passport Questions Answered, New Data on LGBTQ+ Youth, and More

Welcome to Basic Rights Oregon’s weekly newsletter, where we update you on the LGBTQ+ news you should know, things you can do, and ways you can help. If you have questions, reach out here. To receive this newsletter as a weekly email, signup for email updates at the bottom of our Contact Us page. BRO’s work—including this newsletter—is funded entirely by our supporters. Donate here. 

Happy Friday, friends of BRO!

Here’s some good news right at the jump to kick off your weekend: This week, a federal judge extended a block on the Executive Order seeking to end gender-affirming care for people 19 and under. That means the anti-trans EO won’t be in effect while its legal challenges play out in court. This is some wonderful temporary relief for trans youth and their loved ones—and could be a good sign for how successful those legal challenges will be. 

Here’s what else has been going on in LGBTQ+ news this week:

  • The federal government is slashing Medicaid funding, and has also threatened to withhold funding from states who offer coverage for certain types of healthcare, including gender-affirming care. Fortunately, the Oregon Legislature has a bill this session that would make up for those gaps in healthcare funding with state money. That bill just passed the Oregon House this week—with bipartisan support! It heads to the Senate next.

  • This week saw the first hearing for Freedom to Read, our anti-book banning state bill, and the testimony was overwhelmingly supportive. Thanks to everyone who answered the call in last week’s newsletter to submit their own testimony! 

BRO, ACLU of Oregon, and lots of amazing community members testified in support of Freedom to Read in the Capitol this week.

  • We’ve gotten a lot of questions from trans and nonbinary folks confused about what to do regarding passports. First, a reminder that the confusion is intentional—this administration wants us to feel afraid, uncertain and overwhelmed. And second, here’s a helpful FAQ from Immigration Equality with all the latest info we have on passports. Some of those answers certainly aren’t what we all want to hear, so remember to take time for feeling your feelings, connecting with community, and taking care of yourself if you’re currently facing passport issues. 

  • Now it’s time to talk about more lawsuits, so please bear with us. Last year, former President Biden added gender dysphoria to a list of disabilities covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). That addition meant that folks experiencing gender dysphoria could be eligible for certain accommodations at work, school, and elsewhere. Seventeen Republican state attorney generals are suing to have that reversed. But the lawsuit doesn’t stop there; disability advocates are calling the lawsuit out for also attempting to overturn entire sections of the ADA, which has fueled public backlash. Now, many of those Republicans are distancing themselves from the entire lawsuit.

  • Okay, just one more lawsuit: The federal administration has dismissed a lawsuit initiated by Biden’s team, which sought to challenge Idaho’s very strict abortion ban. That means that in Idaho, even emergency abortions to save the life of the parent might not be legal. Oregon has already been offering support and advice to Idahoans crossing the border for healthcare, and this development makes that support more important than ever. (If you care about protecting bodily autonomy in Oregon, join the Equal Rights for All team!)

  • The Trevor Project has released its most updated research on LGBTQ+ youth safety and mental health, including a state-by-state breakdown. Oregon’s survey data shows we still have a long way to go in making sure all youth have access to mental healthcare, and a whopping 92% of respondents said that political news negatively impacts their mental health. On the bright side: 84% of Oregon LGBTQ+ youth say the community they live in is supportive of queer and trans folks. Way to go, Oregon—but let’s keep working hard for that other 16% of kids!

The kids are alright:

Speaking of young people—welcome to our new segment, in which we run some words of wisdom from Oregon kids who are part of their elementary school’s Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA). When asked what they do for self-care when life gets overwhelming, here’s what some had to say:

  • “Pet my cat or my dog.”

  • “Doodle.”

  • “Texting my friends.”

  • “Watch Coco.”

  • “Get my nails done.”


  • “Sitting in my room crying to loud music from my cry playlist at volume 9 on Alexa.”

  • “Eat Takis.”

  • “Play with my gecko.” 

From the mouths of babes! Feel free to take this advice if you need some R&R this weekend.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Head’s up: Tickets are going fast for our But I’m a Cheerleader fundraiser! We could all use a laugh right now, and this movie delivers.

Comedy perfection from RuPaul Charles.

  • Turn your anger over passport policies into action! Advocates for Trans Equality makes it easy to have your voice heard on this issue. 

  • If you’re in the Portland area, check out this free library event with frequently-banned queer YA author Kyle Lukoff.

Thanks for reading! May we all have a weekend full of eating Takis, texting our friends, and listening to good music on volume 9.


The BRO team 🌈


Weekly Update: Anti-LGBTQ+ Conversion Therapy Heads to Supreme Court, Help Save SMYRC, and More


Weekly Update: Queer Culture is Under Attack. Here’s How You Can Resist!